WotLK Alchemy Guide (1-450)

Alchemy Guide

Patch: 3.3.5

Author: Legacy-WoW

WotLK Alchemy Guide (1-450)

Wrath Alchemy Guide


This WotLK WoW alchemy guide can help you from 1 to 450 Alchemy. With a little patience, you will be level 450 Alchemy in no time!
Let’s start off with the materials needed for leveling to 450 in Wrath of the Lich King.

Materials needed

Approximate Materials Required for 1-450:


Now that we have all of the materials, these are the things you need to craft to reach 450 Alchemy. Some skills turn yellow before hitting the desired level and the numbers may be off by a point or two due to good/bad luck.

Classic levels

First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth – just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Alchemy. This will be the first step in our journey in getting to 450 Alchemy in Wrath of the Lich King

Levels 1-60

59 x [Minor Healing Potions] – 59 Peacebloom, 59 Silverleaf, 59 Empty Vial
You will need these later, so make sure to save them for later in this Alchemy guide.

Learn Journeyman Alchemy

Levels 60 – 105

50 x [Lesser Healing Potion] – 50 [Minor Healing Potions], 50 Briarthorn

Levels 105 – 110

5 x [Elixir of Wisdom] – 5 Mageroyal, 10 Briarthorn, 5 Empty Vial

Levels 105 – 140

35 x [Healing Potion] – 35 Bruiseweed, 35 Briarthorn, 35 Leaded Vial

Learn Expert Alchemy.

Levels 140 – 155

15 x [Lesser Mana Potion] – 15 Mageroyal, 15 Stranglekelp, 15 Empty Vial
Make [Fire Oil] if there is no Stranglekelp on the Auction House or if Firefin Snapper happens to be cheap.

Levels 155 – 185

30 x [Greater Healing Potion] – 30 Liferoot, 30 Kingsblood, 30 Leaded Vial
If you made Fire Oil, you can use those to make Elixir of Minor Accuracy

Levels 185 – 205

20 x [Elixir of Agility] – 20 Stranglekelp, 20 Goldthorn, 20 Leaded Vial
25 x [Elixir of Fortitude] – 25 Wild Steelbloom, 25 Goldthorn, 25 Leaded Vial

Learn Artisan Alchemy.

Levels 205 – 215

10 x [Elixir of Greater Defense] – 10 Wild Steelbloom, 10 Goldthorn, 10 Leaded Vial

Levels 215 – 230

15 x [Superior Healing Potion] – 15 Sungrass, 15 Khadgar’s Whisker, 15 Crystal Vial

Levels 230 – 231

1 x [Philosopher’s Stone] – 4 Iron Bar, 1 Black Vitriol, 4 Purple Lotus, 4 Arthas’ Tears

You will need this for transmutes, so keep it.

Levels 231 – 250

19 x [Elixir of Detect Undead] – 19 Arthas’ Tears, 19 Crystal Vial

Levels 250 – 265

15 x [Elixir of Greater Agility] – 15 Sungrass, 15 Goldthorn, 15 Crystal Vial

Levels 265 – 285

20 x [Superior Mana Potion] – 40 Sungrass, 40 Blindweed, 20 Crystal Vial
[Elixir of the Sages] is a great alternative if you do not have that many Blindweed or Sungrass. You will need to make a few more Elixir of Greater Agility (to level 270) before you can learn this recipe though.

Go to Outland and learn Master Alchemy.

Levels 285 – 300

18 x [Major Healing Potion] – 36 Golden Sansam, 18 Mountain Silversage, 18 Crystal Vial

Burning Crusade levels

Levels 300 – 310

10 x [Volatile Healing Potion] – 10 Golden Sansam, 10 Felweed, 10 Imbued Vial
10 x [Adept’s Elixir] – 10 Dreamfoil, 10 Felweed, 10 Imbued Vial

Levels 310 – 325

15 x [Elixir of Healing Power] – 15 Golden Sansam, 15 Dreaming Glory, 15 Imbued Vial

Once you reach level 325 Alchemy and character level 68, you can do a quest to learn one of three alchemy specializations: Potions, Elixirs or Transmutations. Picking a specialization gives you a chance to create an extra 1 to 4 items when crafting an item that falls under your specialization. For example, a Master of Potions may be able to craft more than one [Superior Mana Potion] for the same material cost as one.

Both Elixir and Potion master require you to run an instance for the quest items. Instead I would recommend picking Transmute master.

Buy 4 [Primal Might] and go to Netherstorm where you can talk to the Transmute Master and become a Transmute master. Now you can Unlearn your specialization by talking to the master again. Once you have unlearned your specialization, you can go to the Elixir or Potion Master and learn the new specialization for 150 gold. If you want to be a Transmute master, you can skip this part.

Levels 325 – 335

10 x [Mad Alchemist’s Potion] – 20 Ragveil, 10 Crystal Vial

Levels 335 – 340

5 x [Super Healing Potion] – 10 Netherbloom, 5 Felweed, 5 Imbued Vial

Levels 340 – 350

10 x [Super Mana Potion] – 20 Dreaming Glory, 10 Felweed, 10 Imbued Vial

Wrath of the Lich King levels

Go to Northrend and learn Grand Master Alchemy.

Levels 350 – 360

15 x [Resurgent Healing Potion] – 30 Goldclover, 15 Imbued Vial

Levels 360 – 365

5 x [Icy Mana Potion] – 10 Talandra’s Rose, 5 Imbued Vial

Levels 365 – 375

10 x [Spellpower Elixir] – 10 Goldclover, 10 Tiger Lily, 10 Imbued Vial

Levels 375 – 380

5 x [Pygmy Oil] – 5 Pygmy Suckerfish

Levels 380 – 385

5 x [Potion of Nightmares] – 5 Goldclover, 10 Talandra’s Rose, 5 Imbued Vial

Levels 385 – 395

12 x [Elixir of Mighty Strength] – 24 Tiger Lily, 12 Imbued Vial

Levels 395 – 405

When you reach 400, you can make a [Northrend Alchemy Research] and your Alchemy Trinket, so you will need to craft fewer potions.

If you discovered the [Potion of Speed] recipe, make that one until 415 instead of the recipes below, because it’s cheaper.

12 x [Elixir of Mighty Agility] – 24 Goldcover, 24 Adder’s Tonguee, 12 Imbued Vial

Levels 405 – 415

10 x [Indestructible Potion] – 20 Icethorn, 10 Imbued Vial

Levels 415 – 425

20 x [Runic Mana Potion] – 20 Goldcover, 40 Lichbloom, 20 Imbued Vial

This recipe turns green at 422, so you may need to make more than 20.

Levels 425 – 430

7 x [Transmute: Titanium] – 56 Saronite Bar

Levels 430 – 435

5 x [Transmute: Earthsiege Diamond] – 5 Dark Jade, 5 Huge Citrine, 5 Eternal Fire

Levels 435-450

You can now make whatever flask is currently profitable or whichever flask you need for raiding!

Another option around 435-440 would be [Transmute: Skyflare Diamond]

If you made it this far, Congratulations on 450 Alchemy!