Diablo 2 Resurrected Acronyms, Terms and Abbreviations


Diablo 2 Resurrected Acronyms, Terms and Abbreviations

This guide is meant to provide a comprehensive list of abbreviations, acronyms and terms used when playing Diablo 2 and Diablo II Resurrected.

Abbreviations in Alphabetical Order

  • 3D:  3 Diamond  Usually refers to a shield socketed with three perfect diamonds.
  • A1, A2:  Act 1, Act 2, etc.
  • AB:  Amazon Basin.
  • ABM:  Amazon Basin Member.
  • afaic:  As far as I’m concerned.
  • afaics:  As far as I can see.
  • afaik:  As far as I know.
  • afk:  Away from keyboard.
  • Ali Baba:  Blade of Ali Baba Exceptional Unique Tulwar.
  • alvl:  Affix Level.
  • Ama:  Amazon.
  • Amp:  Amplify Damage.  Necro curse to reduce enemies’ resistance to physical damage.
  • Ancients (AW):  The Ancients’ Way in Act 5.
  • Andy:  Andariel.  Act 1 super unique monster.
  • AoE:  Area of Effect.
  • AR:  Attack Rating.
  • Arkaine’s (Ark):  Arkaine’s Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin.
  • Arreat’s:  Arreat’s Face Unique Slayer Guard.
  • AS:  Arreat Summit.  Battle.net’s website for D2.
  • Asn (asa, assy):  Assassin.
  • Atlantean:  The Atlantean Exceptional Unique Ancient Sword.
  • Atma’s:  Atma’s Scarab Unique Amulet.
  • BA:  Blessed Aim.  A Paladin offensive aura.
  • BA:  Bone Armor.  A Necromancer defensive skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • Baba (Barb):  Barbarian.
  • Bane:  Gladiator’s Bane Elite Unique Wire Fleece.
  • Baranar’s (Banana):  Baranar’s Star Elite Unique Devil Star.
  • Bartuc’s (Barts):  Bartuc’s Cut-Throat Unique Greater Talons.
  • Basher:  The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul.
  • BC (BCry):  Battle Cry.  A Barbarian warcry to decrease an enemy’s damage and defense.
  • BC (BCom):  Battle Command.  A Barbarian warcry to increase skill levels.
  • BG:  Blood Golem.
  • BH:  Blessed Hammer.  An attack skill on the Paladin Combat tree.
  • BK:  Bul-Kathos.  Usually refers to the Bul-Kathos set items, or the unique Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band Ring.
  • BM:  Bad Manners.
  • B.net (Bnet):  Battle Net.  Blizzard’s game server for Diablo II.
  • BO:  Battle Orders.  Barbarian warcry to increase life and mana.
  • BoI:  Blades of Ice.
  • BoS:  Burst of Speed.
  • BP:  Bone Prison.  A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • brb:  Be right back.
  • brt:  Be right there.
  • btc:  Back to channel.
  • BS:  Blade Shield.
  • BS:  Bone Spirit.  A Necromancer attack skill.
  • btw:  By the way.
  • Burrito (Buriza):  Buriza-Do Kyanon Exceptional Unique Ballista.
  • BW:  Bone Wall.  A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • Cat 2:  Catacombs Level 2 in Act 1.
  • CB:  Charged Bolt.  Sorceress lighting tree attack skill.
  • C/C:  Claw/Claw.  Refers to an Assassin wielding dual claws.
  • CBF:  Cannot be frozen.
  • CCB:  Cruel Colossus Blade.
  • CCS:  Cruel Colossus Sword.
  • CB:  Crushing Blow.
  • CE:  Cold Enchanted.
  • CE:  Corpse Explosion.  A Necromancer attack skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • CG:  Clay Golem.
  • cg (grats):  Congratulations.
  • Chan?:  Go to channel.
  • Char:  Character.
  • CI:  Cold Immune.
  • CKN (Chu):  Chu-ko-nu.  Often refers specifically to the Demon Machine Exceptional Unique Chu-ko-nu Crossbow.
  • CL:  Chain Lightning.  Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.
  • clvl:  Character Level.
  • CM:  Claw Mastery.
  • CM:  Cold Mastery.
  • CM:  Community Member.  Any participant in the Amazon Basin community.
  • Conc:  Concentration.  A Paladin offensive aura to increase physical damage.
  • Conv:  Conviction.  A Paladin offensive aura to reduce enemy resistances.
  • CoS:  Cloak of Shadows.
  • CoT:  Claws of Thunder.
  • CP:  Crystalline Passage in Act 5.
  • CR:  Cold resistance.
  • Crit:  Critical Strike.
  • Cranium (C basher):  The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul.
  • C/S:  Claw/Shield.  Refers to an Assassin using a claw and shield.
  • CS:  Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4.
  • CS:  Cobra Strike.
  • CS:  Critical Strike.
  • CTH:  Chance to Hit.
  • CU:  Cursed.
  • Cube:  The Horadric Cube.
  • cya:  See you.
  • D2:  Diablo II.
  • D2M:  Damage to Mana.
  • dii:  dii.net.  A D2 reference and forum site.
  • D/A/E:  Dodge/Avoid/Evade.  Trio of Amazon defensive skills from the Passive and Magic skill tree.
  • DC:  Dragon Claw.
  • Decrep:  Decrepify.  A Necromancer curse that slows and weakens.
  • Def:  Defense.
  • DEX:  Dexterity.
  • DF:  Dragon Flight.
  • ding:  Player announcing they’ve just leveled.
  • Dmg:  Damage.
  • Doombringer (Doom):  Doombringer Elite Unique Champion Sword.
  • DR (DR%):  Damage Reduced.  Items with this mod reduce physical damage.
  • Dru (droolid):  Druid.
  • DS:  Deadly Strike.
  • DS:  Death Sentry.
  • DT:  Dragon Tail.
  • Dur 2:  Durance of Hate Level 2 in Act 3.
  • Eagle (Eaglehorn):  Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.
  • ED:  Enhanced Damage.  A mod that increases physical damage.
  • ED:  Enhanced Defense.  A mod that increases defense on an item.
  • ED/IAS:  Enhanced Damage/IAS.  Typically refers to a rare combination of mods on a jewel.
  • ENE:  Energy.
  • EF:  Extra Fast.
  • ES:  Energy Shield.  Sorceress lightning tree defensive skill.
  • ES:  Extra Strong.
  • Eth:  Ethereal.
  • EXP:  Experience.
  • Eye (EoE):  Eye of Etlitch Unique Amulet.
  • FA:  Freezing Arrow.  An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow skill tree.
  • Face:  Arreat’s Face Unique Slayer Guard.
  • Fana:  Fanaticism.  A Paladin offensive aura to increase attack speed and physical damage.
  • FB:  Fireball.  Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
  • FBR:  Faster block rate.
  • FC:  Fire Claws.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • FCR:  Faster cast rate.
  • FE:  Fire Enchanted.
  • FG:  Fire Golem.
  • FHR:  Faster hit recovery.
  • FI:  Fire Immune.
  • Fists:  Magefist Unique Light Gauntlets.
  • FN:  Frost Nova.  Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
  • FoH:  Fist of the Heavens.  An attack skill on the Paladin Combat tree.
  • FoF:  Fists of Fire.  An Assassin attack skill on the martial arts tree.
  • FO:  Frozen Orb.  (Sometimes called just “Orb.”) Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
  • fps:  Frames per second.
  • FR:  Feral Rage.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • FR:  Fire Resistance.
  • Frosties:  Frostburn Unique Gauntlets.
  • FRW:  Faster Run/Walk.
  • FW:  Firewall.  Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
  • GA:  Guided Arrow.
  • Gaze:  Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm.
  • gc:  Grand charm.
  • gg:  Good game.
  • gfi:  Go for it.
  • gj:  Good job.
  • Grandfather (gf):  The Grandfather Elite Unique Colossus Blade.
  • GS:  Glacial Spike.  Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
  • GSA:  Goldstrike Arch Exceptional Unique Gothic Bow.
  • gtg:  Good to go (or Got to go).
  • Gull:  Gull Unique Dagger.
  • H:  Hell.  Typically abbreviated with an Act abbreviation (A2 H), or a Basin game name (abasinhch). The third and last level of difficulty in Diablo II.
  • Harley:  Harlequin Crest Elite Unique Shako.
  • HB:  Holy Bolt.  A Paladin combat skill.
  • hc:  Hard Core.
  • HCMTF:  Hit Causes Monster to Flee.
  • Hellslayer:  Hellslayer Elite Unique Decapitator.
  • Heph:  Hephasto the Armorer.  Act 4 super unique monster.
  • HF:  Holy Freeze.  A Paladin offensive aura to chill enemies.
  • HoBL:  Hand of Blessed Light Unique Divine Scepter.
  • Homunculus:  Homunculus Unique Hierophant Trophy.
  • Horn (Eaglehorn):  Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.
  • Hot:  Warning that a portal is dangerous to enter.
  • HoW:  Heart of Wolverine.  A Druid summoning skill.
  • HoZ:  Herald Of Zakarum Unique Gilded Shield.
  • HP:  Hit Points.
  • HS:  Holy Shield.  A Paladin combat skill to boost shield characteristics.
  • HS:  Holy Shock.
  • Jalal’s:  Jalal’s Mane Unique Totemic Mask.
  • IAS:  Increased Attack Speed.
  • ID:  Identify.
  • IG:  Iron Golem.
  • IIRC:  If I recall correctly.
  • IK Maul:  Immortal King’s Stone Crusher Set Ogre Maul.
  • ilvl:  Item Level.
  • IMHO:  In my humble opinion.
  • Immo:  Immolation Arrow.  An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
  • IMO:  In my opinion.
  • Ire:  Skullder’s Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor.
  • IS:  Iron Skin.  A Barbarian mastery to increase defense.
  • ITD:  Ignore Target Defense.
  • Izzy:   Izual.  Act 4 super unique monster.
  • j/k:  Just kidding.
  • k:  Okay.
  • KB:  Knockback.
  • l337:  Elite.
  • LA:  Leap Attack.
  • lc:  Large charm.
  • LE:  Lightning Enchanted.
  • LEB:  Lightning Enchanted Boss.
  • LEM:  Lightning Enchanted monster.
  • LF:  Lightning Fury.  A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree.
  • LI:  Lightning Immune.
  • Lidless:  Lidless Wall Exceptional Unique Grim Shield.
  • Lightsabre:  Lightsabre Elite Unique Phase Blade.
  • LL:  Life Leech.
  • LM:  Lightning Mastery.
  • LoD:  Lord of Destruction.  The Diablo II expansion.
  • LoH:  Laying of Hands Disciple Set Bramble Mitts.
  • LOL:  Laughs out loud.
  • LR:  Lightning resistance.
  • LR:  Lower Resist.  Necro curse to reduce enemies’ magic resistance.
  • LS:  Lightning Sentry.
  • LS:  Lightning Strike.  A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree.
  • Lyc:  Lycander’s Aim Unique Ceremonial Bow.
  • MA:  Martial Arts.  Usually a description for an Assassin type of build, or reference to one of the Assassin skill trees.
  • Mara’s:  Mara’s Kaleidoscope Unique Amulet.
  • Mat:  Matriarchal bow.
  • MB:  Mana Burn.
  • MDR:  Magic Damage Reduced.  Items with this mod reduce magical damage.
  • Meph:  Mephisto.  Act 3 super unique monster.
  • Merc:  Mercenary.
  • MF:  Magic Find.
  • MI:  Magic Immune.
  • ML:  Mana Leech.
  • mlvl:  Monster Level.
  • Mod:  Modifier.  Adds a characteristic to an item such as a weapon or charm.
  • Mod:  Moderator.  An Amazon Basin member responsible for moderating a forum or channel.
  • Moser’s:  Moser’s Blessed Circle Exceptional Unique Round Shield.
  • MP:  Market Place.  Trading site for D2 at market.diabloii.net.
  • MP:  Multi-Player.
  • MPK:  Mana per kill.
  • MR:  Magic Resistant.
  • MS:  Multiple Shot.  An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
  • MS:  Multi-Shot.  A mod available to boss monsters.
  • MSLE (MSLEB):  Multi-Shot Lightning Enchanted.
  • nbd:  No big deal.
  • Nec (necro):  Necromancer.
  • newb:  Newbie.
  • ng:  New game.
  • NM:  Nightmare.  The second level of difficulty in Diablo II.
  • nm (nvm):  Never mind.
  • n00b:  Newbie.
  • Norm:  Normal.  Usually refers to the first level of difficulty in Diablo II.
  • NR:  Natural Resistance.  A Barbarian mastery to increase resistance to magic damage.
  • NRG:  Energy.
  • Oak:  Oak Sage.  A Druid summoning skill.
  • Occy (Oculus):  The Oculus Unique Swirling Crystal.
  • OK:  Oblivion Knight.
  • OMG:  Oh my god.
  • OTOH:  On the other hand.
  • Pally (Pali):  Paladin.
  • PDR:  Physical Damage Reduction.
  • PI:  Physical Immune.  A monster immune to physical damage attack.
  • PK:   Player Killer.
  • PKK:  Player Killer Killer.  A player who kills player killers.
  • PN:  Poison Nova.  A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • PR:  Poison resistance.
  • PS:  Phoenix Strike.
  • PvM:  Player versus Monster.
  • PvP:  Player versus Player.
  • PW:  Password.
  • r:  Ready.  This is the standard signal among players in a group before triggering a monster urn/shrine or entering a particularly treacherous area.
  • Reaver (Messy Reaver):  Messerschmidt’s Reaver Elite Unique Champion Axe.
  • Req:  Requirement.
  • res:  Resurrect.
  • rl:  Real life.
  • RoF:  Rate of Fire.
  • RoF:  River of Flame in Act 4.
  • ROFL:  Rolling on the floor laughing.
  • sc:  Small charm.
  • sc:  Soft core.
  • Schaefer’s:  Schaefer’s Hammer Elite Unique Legendary Mallet.
  • SD:  Shadow Disciplines.  One of the Assassin skill trees.
  • Sec:  Hang on a second.
  • SF:  Static Field.  Sorceress lighting tree attack skill.
  • Shaft:  Shaftstop Exceptional Unique Mesh Armor.
  • Shako:  Harlequin Crest Elite Unique Shako.  (Technically, a Shako is the entire class of elite Shako helms, but the term almost always refers to its Unique version.)
  • Silks:  Silks of the Victor Unique Ancient Armor.
  • Sin (Sinner):  Assassin.
  • Skullder’s:  Skullder’s Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor.
  • Slow:  Slows Target.  Item mod that slows enemies.
  • slvl:  Skill Level.
  • SM (Master):  Shadow Master.
  • SM:  Slow Missiles.  A skill on the Amazon Passive and Magic tree.
  • SoJ:  Stone of Jordan Unique Ring.
  • Sorc (socer):  Sorceress.
  • SH (Spec):  Spectral Hit.
  • SP:  Single Player.  Usually refers to single-player mode of Diablo II.
  • Spear:  Bone Spear.  A Necromancer attack skill.
  • Spike:  Wizardspike Elite Unique Bone Knife.
  • Spirit:  Bone Spirit.  A Necromancer attack skill.
  • SS:  Stone Skin.
  • S/S:  Sword/Shield.
  • SS (Storm):  Stormshield Elite Unique Monarch Shield.
  • Stormspire:  Stormspire Elite Unique Giant Thresher.
  • STR:  Strength.
  • String (SoE):  String of Ears Exceptional Unique Demonhide Sash.
  • SW (Warrior):  Shadow Warrior.
  • SW:  Shock Wave.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • Tal’s Orb:  Tal Rasha’s Lidless Eye Set Swirling Crystal.
  • Tarn:  Tarnhelm Unique Skull Cap.
  • TE (Tele):  Teleport.
  • thx:  Thanks.
  • TGod (TGV):  Thundergod’s Vigor Exceptional Unique War Belt.
  • Tiamat’s:  Tiamat’s Rebuke Exceptional Unique Dragon Shield.
  • Titan’s:  Titan’s Revenge Unique Ceremonial Javelin.
  • TK:  Telekinesis.
  • TP:  Town Portal.
  • TP:  Teleport.  A Sorceress skill on the lightning tree.
  • TPJ:  Thomas Penfield Jackson.  Founder of the Amazon Basin.
  • Trav:  Travincal in Act 3.
  • TS:  Thunderstorm.  Sorceress lighting tree attack skill.
  • TS:  Tiger Strike.
  • ttyl:  Talk to you later.
  • Tucs:  Bartuc’s Cut-Throat Unique Greater Talons.
  • Twitch:  Twitchthroe Unique Studded Leather Armor.
  • ty:  Thank you.
  • tyt:  Take your time.
  • tyvm:  Thank you very much.
  • Ume’s:  Ume’s Lament Unique Grave Wand.
  • Valk:  Valkyrie.  A skill on the Amazon Passive and Magic tree.
  • Valor:  Arkaine’s Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin.
  • Vamp:  Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm.
  • VIT:  Vitality.
  • w8:  Wait.
  • wb:  Welcome back.
  • WC:  War Cry.  A Barbarian warcry.
  • WF (Windforce):  Windforce Elite Unique Hydra Bow.
  • Wizardspike:  Wizardspike Elite Unique Bone Knife.
  • WoF:  Wake of Fire.
  • WoI:  Wake of Inferno.
  • Wote (WOE):  Wall of the Eyeless Unique Bone Shield.
  • WP:  Waypoint.
  • WSK (WK2):  Worldstone Keep Level 2 in Act 5.
  • WT:  WeaselTech.
  • WB:  WereBear.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • WW:  WereWolf.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • WW:  Whirlwind.  A Barbarian combat skill.
  • WWS:  Witchwild String Exceptional Unique Short Siege Bow.
  • YMMV:  Your mileage may vary.
  • y:  Yes.
  • yw:  You’re welcome.
  • Zerk:  Berzerk.  A Barbarian combat skill.
  • Zon:  Amazon.

Abbreviations by Category

Amazon Basin Abbreviations

  • ABM:  Amazon Basin Member.
  • CM:  Community Member.  Any participant in the Amazon Basin community.
  • TPJ:  Thomas Penfield Jackson.  Founder of the Amazon Basin.
  • WT:  WeaselTech.

Conversational Abbreviations

  • afaic:  As far as I’m concerned.
  • afaics:  As far as I can see.
  • afaik:  As far as I know.
  • afk:  Away from keyboard.
  • brb:  Be right back.
  • brt:  Be right there.
  • btc:  Back to channel.
  • btw:  By the way.
  • Chan?:  Go to channel.
  • cg (grats):  Congratulations.
  • cya:  See you.
  • ding:  Player announcing they’ve just leveled.
  • gfi:  Go for it.
  • gg:  Good game.
  • gj:  Good job.
  • gtg:  Good to go (or Got to go).
  • j/k:  Just kidding.
  • IIRC:  If I recall correctly.
  • IMHO:  In my humble opinion.
  • IMO:  In my opinion.
  • k:  Okay.
  • LOL:  Laughs out loud.
  • nbd:  No big deal.
  • ng:  New game.
  • nm (nvm):  Never mind.
  • np:  No problem.
  • OMG:  Oh my god.
  • OTOH:  On the other hand.
  • r:  Ready.  This is the standard signal among players in a group before triggering a monster urn/shrine or entering a particularly treacherous area.
  • rl:  Real life.
  • ROFL:  Rolling on the floor laughing.
  • Sec:  Hang on a second.
  • thx:  Thanks.
  • ttyl:  Talk to you later.
  • ty:  Thank you.
  • tyt:  Take your time.
  • tyvm:  Thank you very much.
  • w8:  Wait.
  • wb:  Welcome back.
  • YMMV:  Your mileage may vary.
  • y:  Yes.
  • yw:  You’re welcome.

In-Game Abbreviations

  • Ancients (AW):  The Ancients’ Way in Act 5.
  • BA:  Blessed Aim.
  • BO:  Battle Orders.  Barbarian warcry to increase life and mana.
  • Cat 2:  Catacombs Level 2 in Act 1.
  • CE:  Cold Enchanted.
  • CI:  Cold Immune.
  • Conv:  Conviction.
  • CP:  Crystalline Passage in Act 5.
  • CS:  Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4.
  • CU:  Cursed.
  • Dur 2:  Durance of Hate Level 2 in Act 3.
  • EF:  Extra Fast.
  • ES:  Extra Strong.
  • Fana:  Fanaticism.
  • FE:  Fire Enchanted.
  • FI:  Fire Immune.
  • HS:  Holy Shock.
  • LE:  Lightning Enchanted.
  • LEB:  Lightning Enchanted Boss.
  • LI:  Lightning Immune.
  • MB:  Mana Burn.
  • MI:  Magic Immune.
  • MR:  Magic Resistant.
  • MS:  Multi-Shot.  A mod available to boss monsters.
  • MSLE (MSLEB):  Multi-Shot Lightning Enchanted.
  • PI:  Physical Immune.  A monster immune to physical damage attack.
  • r:  Ready.  This is the standard signal among players in a group before triggering a monster urn/shrine or entering a particularly treacherous area.
  • RoF:  River of Flame in Act 4.
  • SH (Spec):  Spectral Hit.
  • TE (Tele):  Teleport.
  • TP:  Town Portal.
  • Trav:  Travincal in Act 3.
  • WP:  Waypoint.
  • WSK (WK2):  Worldstone Keep Level 2 in Act 5.

Amazon Abbreviations

  • Ama:  Amazon.
  • CS:  Critical Strike.  Damage enhancing skill on the Passive and Magic tree.
  • D/A/E:  Dodge/Avoid/Evade.  Trio of Amazon defensive skills from the Passive and Magic tree.
  • FA:  Freezing Arrow.  An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
  • GA:  Guided Arrow.  An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
  • Immo:  Immolation Arrow.  An attack skill on the Bow and Crossbow tree.
  • LF:  Lightning Fury.  A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree.
  • LS:  Lightning Strike.  A skill on the Amazon Javelin and Spear tree.
  • MS:  Multiple Shot.  An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow tree.
  • SM:  Slow Missiles.  A skill on the Amazon Passive and Magic tree.
  • Valk:  Valkyrie.  A skill on the Amazon Passive and Magic tree.
  • Zon:  Amazon.

Assassin Abbreviations

  • Asn (asa, assy):  Assassin.
  • BS:  Blade Shield.
  • BoI:  Blades of Ice.
  • BoS:  Burst of Speed.
  • C/C:  Claw/Claw.  Refers to an Assassin wielding dual claws.
  • C/S:  Claw/Shield.  Refers to an Assassin using a claw and shield.
  • CM:  Claw Mastery.
  • CoS:  Cloak of Shadows.
  • CoT:  Claws of Thunder.
  • CS:  Cobra Strike.
  • DC:  Dragon Claw.
  • DF:  Dragon Flight.
  • DS:  Death Sentry.
  • DT:  Dragon Tail.
  • FoF:  Fists of Fire.
  • LS:  Lightning Sentry.
  • MA:  Martial Arts.  Usually a reference either to an Assassin type of build, or reference to one of the Assassin skill trees.
  • PS:  Phoenix Strike.
  • SD:  Shadow Disciplines.  One of the Assassin skill trees.
  • Sin (Sinner):  Assassin.
  • SM (Master):  Shadow Master.
  • SW (Warrior):  Shadow Warrior.
  • TS:  Tiger Strike.
  • WoF:  Wake of Fire.
  • WoI:  Wake of Inferno.

Barbarian Abbreviations

  • Baba (Barb):  Barbarian.
  • BC (BCry):  Battle Cry.  A Barbarian warcry to decrease an enemy’s damage and defense.
  • BC (BCom):  Battle Command.  A Barbarian warcry to increase skill levels.
  • BO:  Battle Orders.  Barbarian warcry to increase life and mana.
  • IS:  Iron Skin.  A Barbarian mastery to increase defense.
  • LA:  Leap Attack.
  • NR:  Natural Resistance.  A Barbarian mastery to increase resistance to magic damage.
  • S/S:  Sword/Shield.
  • WC:  War Cry.  A Barbarian warcry.
  • WW:  Whirlwind.  A Barbarian combat skill.
  • Zerk:  Berzerk.  A Barbarian combat skill.

Druid Abbreviations

  • FC:  Fire Claws.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • FR:  Feral Rage.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • HoW:  Heart of Wolverine.  A Druid summoning skill.
  • Oak:  Oak Sage.  A Druid summoning skill.
  • SW:  Shock Wave.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • WB:  WereBear.  A Druid shape shifting skill.
  • WW:  WereWolf.  A Druid shape shifting skill.

Necromancer Abbreviations

  • Amp:  Amplify Damage.  A curse to reduce enemies’ resistance to physical damage.
  • BA:  Bone Armor.  A Necromancer defensive skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • BG:  Blood Golem.
  • BP:  Bone Prison.  A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • BS:  Bone Spirit.  A Necromancer attack skill.
  • BW:  Bone Wall.  A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • CE:  Corpse Explosion.  A Necromancer attack skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • CG:  Clay Golem.
  • Decrep:  Decrepify.  A Necromancer curse that slows and weakens.
  • FG:  Fire Golem.
  • IG:  Iron Golem.
  • IM:   Iron Maiden.  A curse that magnifies and returns damage inflicted.
  • LR:  Lower Resist.  A Necromancer curse to reduce enemies’ magic resistance.
  • Nec (necro):  Necromancer.
  • PN:  Poison Nova.  A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
  • Spear:  Bone Spear.  A Necromancer attack skill.
  • Spirit:  Bone Spirit.  A Necromancer attack skill.

Paladin Abbreviations

  • BA:  Blessed Aim.  A Paladin offensive aura.
  • BH:  Blessed Hammer.  An attack skill on the Paladin Combat tree.
  • Conc:  Concentration.  A Paladin offensive aura to increase physical damage.
  • Conv:  Conviction.  A Paladin offensive aura to reduce enemy resistances.
  • Fana:  Fanaticism.  A Paladin offensive aura to increase attack speed and physical damage.
  • FoH:  Fist of the Heavens.  An attack skill on the Paladin Combat tree.
  • HB:  Holy Bolt.  A Paladin combat skill.
  • HF:  Holy Freeze.  A Paladin offensive aura to chill enemies.
  • HS:  Holy Shield.  A Paladin combat skill to boost shield characteristics.
  • Pally (Pali):  Paladin.

Sorceress Abbreviations

  • CB:  Charged Bolt.  Sorceress lighting tree attack skill.
  • CL:  Chain Lightning.  Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.
  • CM:  Cold Mastery.
  • ES:  Energy Shield.  Sorceress lightning tree defensive skill.
  • FB:  Fireball.  Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
  • FN:  Frost Nova.  Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
  • FM:   Fire Mastery.
  • FO:  Frozen Orb.  (Sometimes called just “Orb.”) Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
  • FW:  Firewall.  Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
  • GS:  Glacial Spike.  Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
  • LM:  Lightning Mastery.
  • Sorc (socer):  Sorceress.
  • SF:  Static Field.  Sorceress lighting tree attack skill.
  • Tele:  Teleport.
  • TK:  Telekinesis.
  • TS:  Thunderstorm.  Sorceress lighting tree attack skill.

Statistical Abbreviations

  • alvl:  Affix Level.
  • AR:  Attack Rating.
  • clvl:  Character Level.
  • CTH:  Chance to Hit.
  • Def:  Defense.
  • DR (DR%):  Damage Reduced.  Items with this mod reduce physical damage.
  • ED:  Enhanced Damage.  A mod that increases physical damage.
  • ED:  Enhanced Defense.  A mod that increases defense on an item.
  • ilvl:  Item Level.
  • mlvl:  Monster Level.
  • PDR:  Physical Damage Reduction.
  • slvl:  Skill Level.

Item Abbreviations

  • Ali Baba:  Blade of Ali Baba Exceptional Unique Tulwar.
  • Arkaine’s (Ark):  Arkaine’s Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin.
  • Arreat’s:  Arreat’s Face Unique Slayer Guard.
  • Atma’s:  Atma’s Scarab Unique Amulet.
  • Atlantean:  The Atlantean Exceptional Unique Ancient Sword.
  • Bane:  Gladiator’s Bane Elite Unique Wire Fleece.
  • Baranar’s (Banana):  Baranar’s Star Elite Unique Devil Star.
  • Bartuc’s (Barts):  Bartuc’s Cut-Throat Unique Greater Talons.
  • Basher:  The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul.
  • BK:  Bul-Kathos.  Usually refers to the Bul-Kathos set items, or the unique Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band Ring.
  • Burrito (Buriza):  Buriza-Do Kyanon Exceptional Unique Ballista.
  • CCB:  Cruel Colossus Blade.
  • CCS:  Cruel Colossus Sword.
  • CKN (Chu):  Chu-ko-nu.  Often refers specifically to the Demon Machine Exceptional Unique Chu-ko-nu Crossbow.
  • Cranium (C basher):  The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul.
  • Doombringer (Doom):  Doombringer Elite Unique Champion Sword.
  • Eagle (Eaglehorn):  Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.
  • Eye (EoE):  Eye of Etlitch Unique Amulet.
  • Face:  Arreat’s Face Unique Slayer Guard.
  • Fists:  Magefist Unique Light Gauntlets.
  • Frosties:  Frostburn Unique Gauntlets.
  • Gaze:  Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm.
  • gc:  Grand charm.
  • Grandfather (gf):  The Grandfather Elite Unique Colossus Blade.
  • GSA:  Goldstrike Arch Exceptional Unique Gothic Bow.
  • Gull:  Gull Unique Dagger.
  • Harley:  Harlequin Crest Elite Unique Shako.
  • Hellslayer:  Hellslayer Elite Unique Decapitator.
  • HoBL:  Hand of Blessed Light Unique Divine Scepter.
  • Homunculus:  Homunculus Unique Hierophant Trophy.
  • Horn (Eaglehorn):  Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.
  • HoZ:  Herald Of Zakarum Unique Gilded Shield.
  • IK Maul:  Immortal King’s Stone Crusher Set Ogre Maul.
  • Ire:  Skullder’s Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor.
  • Jalal’s:  Jalal’s Mane Unique Totemic Mask.
  • lc:  Large charm.
  • Lidless:  Lidless Wall Exceptional Unique Grim Shield.
  • Lightsabre:  Lightsabre Elite Unique Phase Blade.
  • LoH:  Laying of Hands Disciple Set Bramble Mitts.
  • Lyc:  Lycander’s Aim Unique Ceremonial Bow.
  • Mara’s:  Mara’s Kaleidoscope Unique Amulet.
  • Mat:  Matriarchal bow.
  • Moser’s:  Moser’s Blessed Circle Exceptional Unique Round Shield.
  • Occy (Oculus):  The Oculus Unique Swirling Crystal.
  • Reaver (Messy Reaver):  Messerschmidt’s Reaver Elite Unique Champion Axe.
  • sc:  Small charm.
  • Schaefer’s:  Schaefer’s Hammer Elite Unique Legendary Mallet.
  • Shaft:  Shaftstop Exceptional Unique Mesh Armor.
  • Shako:  Harlequin Crest Elite Unique Shako.  (Technically, a Shako is the entire class of elite Shako helms, but the term almost always refers to its Unique version.)
  • Silks:  Silks of the Victor Unique Ancient Armor.
  • Skullder’s:  Skullder’s Ire Exceptional Unique Russet Armor.
  • SoJ:  Stone of Jordan Unique Ring.
  • SS (Storm):  Stormshield Elite Unique Monarch Shield.
  • Stormspire:  Stormspire Elite Unique Giant Thresher.
  • String (SoE):  String of Ears Exceptional Unique Demonhide Sash.
  • Tal’s Orb:  Tal Rasha’s Lidless Eye Set Swirling Crystal.
  • Tarn:  Tarnhelm Unique Skull Cap.
  • TGod (TGV):  Thundergod’s Vigor Exceptional Unique War Belt.
  • Tiamat’s:  Tiamat’s Rebuke Exceptional Unique Dragon Shield.
  • Titan’s:  Titan’s Revenge Unique Ceremonial Javelin.
  • Tucs:  Bartuc’s Cut-Throat Unique Greater Talons.
  • Twitch:  Twitchthroe Unique Studded Leather Armor.
  • Ume’s:  Ume’s Lament Unique Grave Wand.
  • Valor:  Arkaine’s Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin.
  • Vamp:  Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm.
  • WF (Windforce):  Windforce Elite Unique Hydra Bow.
  • Wizardspike:  Wizardspike Elite Unique Bone Knife.
  • Wote (WOE):  Wall of the Eyeless Unique Bone Shield.
  • WWS:  Witchwild String Exceptional Unique Short Siege Bow.

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