Patch: 3.3.5
Author: Legacy-WoW
PVP WotLK Survival Hunter Guide (Short)
Wrath Hunter Guide
Welcome to our PVP Survival Hunter guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Hunter class as Survival. With this setup and some dedication you should be king of the arena in no time.
This is the popular Survival PVP Build. you can tweak it to your liking but this is a solid core build.

Major Glyphs
Minor Glyphs
Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.
- Meta: Relentless Earthsiege Diamond
- Red: Delicate Cardinal Ruby
- Blue: Shifting Dreadstone (1) / Stormy Majestic Zircon (until spell pen cap’d)
- Yellow: Deadly Ametrine or Glinting Ametrine
You may need to adjust your enchants to your gear.
- Head: Arcanum of Triumph
- Shoulder: Inscription of Triumph
- Back: Major Agility
- Chest: Powerful Stats or Exceptional Resilience
- Bracers: Greater Assault
- Gloves: Major Agility
- Waist: Eternal Belt Buckle
- Legs: Frosthide Leg Armor
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Tuskarr’s Vitality or Enchant Boots – Superior Agility
- Weapon: Superior Potency & Titanium Weapon Chain
- Ranged: Heartseeker Scope
Stat Priority
- Hit (5%)
- Resilience (700 min)
- Agility
- Attack Power
- Spell Penetration (75)
- Stamina
- Intellect
- Critical Strike Rating
For PVP you need 5% hit and at least 75 Spell Pen (130 is the cap). At least 700 Resilience is required to not instantly melt.
Agility is the primary DPS stat for Survival hunters. Agility has no cap and just keeps ramping up your damage as you add more.
PvP & Survival doesn’t have a “rotation” in the typical sense. This is the priority list.
- Your main 3 abilities are Aimed Shot -> Explosive Shot -> Black Arrow
- Tranquilizing Shot is great for removing buffs.
- Serpent Sting should be used if everything else is on CD.
- Never use Arcane Shot as it shares a cooldown with Explosive Shot.
- Kill Shot to burst down low health enemies.
- If you get to continually attack someone use Rapid Fire and Steady Shot.
- Once Lock and Load proc’s extend the time between your Explosive Shot‘s. Each tick will can crit thanks to Lock and Load increasing your damage drastically.
- If you want to Freezing Trap an enemy use Wyvern Sting or Scatter Shot
Spider is the most commonly used Survival / Marksmanship hunter pets. The spider has a root with a 30 yard range. This root is probably a huge part of why it’s considered the best pet for everything except BM. The spider isn’t as tanky as the crab, so you may have to call it back to keep it from dying in certain situations.

This pet uses the same build as the Spider. Ravagers can immobilize and silence the target for 2 seconds but it’s a melee range ability and ravagers are not tanky.
Crabs can be used to lock an opponent down. Crabs pin ability requires them to be in melee range… Which would be an issue but crabs are associated with the Tenacity tree which makes them very tanky.

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