Classic Enchanting Guide (1-300)

Enchanting Guide

Patch: 1.12

Author: Dallas

Classic Enchanting Guide (1-300)

Classic Enchanting Guide


This Vanilla and Classic WoW Enchanting guide can help you from 1 to 300 Enchanting. With a little patience, you should be level 300 Enchanting in no time!
Let’s start off with the materials needed for leveling to 300.


Now that we have all of the materials, these are the things you need to craft to reach 300 Alchemy. Some skills turn yellow before hitting the desired level and the numbers may be off by a point or two due to good/bad luck.

Enchanting 0-1

1 x [Runed Copper Rod] = 1 x [Copper Rod] + 1 x [Strange Dust] + 1 x [Lesser Magic Essence]

Enchanting 1-75

76 x [Enchant Bracer – Minor Health] = 76 x [Strange Dust]

Learn [Journeyman Enchanting]

Enchanting 75-85

10 x [Enchant Bracer – Minor Deflection] = 10 x [Lesser Magic Essence] + 10 x [Strange Dust]

Enchanting 85-100

15 x [Enchant Bracer – Minor Stamina] = 45 x [Strange Dust]

Enchanting 100-101

1 x [Runed Silver Rod] = 1 x [Silver Rod] + 6 x [Strange Dust] + 3 x [Greater Magic Essence] + 1 x [Shadowgem]

Enchanting 101-105

4 x [Enchant Bracer – Minor Stamina] = 12 x [Strange Dust]

Enchanting 105-120

18 x [Enchant Bracer – Minor Agility] = 36 x [Strange Dust] + 18 x [Greater Magic Essence]

Enchanting 120-130

10 x [Enchant Shield – Minor Stamina] = 10 x [Lesser Astral Essence] + 20 x [Strange Dust]

Enchanting 130-150

20 x [Enchant Bracer – Lesser Stamina] = 40 x [Soul Dust]

Learn [Expert Enchanting], (Alliance) Kitta Firewind in the tower of Azora, (Horde) Hgarth in Stonetalon Mountains

Enchanting 150-151

1 x [Runed Golden Rod] = 1 x [Golden Rod] + 1 x [Iridescent Pearl] + 2 x [Greater Astral Essence] + 2 x [Soul Dust]

Enchanting 151-160

10 x [Enchant Bracer – Lesser Stamina] = 20 x [Soul Dust]

Enchanting 160-165

5 x [Enchant Shield – Lesser Stamina] = 5 x [Lesser Mystic Essence] + 5 x [Soul Dust]

Enchanting 165-180

15 x [Enchant Bracer – Spirit] = 15 x [Lesser Mystic Essence]

Enchanting 180-200

20 x [Enchant Bracer – Strength] = 20 x [Vision Dust]

Enchanting 200-201

1 x [Runed Truesilver Rod] = 1 x [Truesilver Rod] + 1 x [Black Pearl] + 2 x [Greater Mystic Essence] + 2 x [Vision Dust]

Enchanting 201-205

7 x [Enchant Bracer – Strength] = 7 x [Vision Dust]

Enchanting 205-225

20 x [Enchant Cloak – Greater Defense] = 60 x [Vision Dust]

Learn [Artisan Enchanting] from Annora in Uldaman

Enchanting 225-235

10 x [Enchant Gloves – Agility] = 10 x [Vision Dust] + 10 x [Lesser Nether Essence]

Enchanting 235-245

12 x [Enchant Chest – Superior Health] = 72 x [Vision Dust]

Enchanting 245-265

24 x [Enchant Bracer – Greater Strength] = 48 x [Dream Dust] + 24 x [Greater Nether Essence]

Buy [Formula: Enchant Shield – Greater Stamina], (Alliance) Mythrin’dir in Darnassus, (Horde) Daniel Bartlett in the Undercity.

Enchanting 265-290

29 x [Enchant Shield – Greater Stamina] = 290 x [Dream Dust]

Buy [Formula: Runed Arcanite Rod] from Lorelae Wintersong in Moonglade.
Also Purchase [Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense] from her.

Enchanting 290-291

1 x [Runed Arcanite Rod] = 1 x [Arcanite Rod] + 1 x [Golden Pearl] + 10 x [Illusion Dust] + 4 x [Greater Eternal Essence] + 4 x [Small Brilliant Shard]

+ 2 x [Large Brilliant Shard]

Enchanting 291-300

9 x [Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense] = 72 x [Illusion Dust]

Required Formulas

[Formula: Enchant Shield – Greater Stamina], (Alliance) Mythrin’dir in Darnassus, (Horde) Daniel Bartlett in the Undercity.

[Formula: Runed Arcanite Rod] from Lorelae Wintersong
Also Purchase [Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense] from her.

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For 205-220 I used Enchant Bracer – Strength, though it might have a chance not to level up, it still is cheaper than using the enchant cloak one.

edit – 1.3 WoW that is, don’t know if they changed it later on




Hi, to go from 75 to 85 you ask to craft 32 enchantements, only 10 are needed.