Fishing Buddy
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Says out of date in game.
You can change the interface to “11200” Inside the FishingBuddy.toc file.
Also, you can check “Load out of date addons” in game, to avoid this being a problem.
Not sure if this is relevant on all vanilla servers but I play on LightsHope which is, I believe, 1.12.1. I was receiving an error about a nil reference I believe on line 259. This affects the location display/counts in the FishingBuddy frame and, in my case, returned an error in my chat. I added “–[[” before line 259 and “]]–” after which fixed it.
Could you elaborate on what you added and where?
Yes please i would like to know how i should proceed to fix the same problem. Playing on Northdale too
I fixed it. Open fishinglocationsframe.lua (I use notepad ++) and at beginning and end of line 259 add ” this will comment out the line. Deleting it didn’twork for mew
sorry, line 259 should look like this
–textfield:SetPoint(“LEFT”, relativeTo, “RIGHT”, 2, 0);
Didn’t work for me. But I found the problem, delete the whole line, because it was already there 2 lines ahead.
Strange because that didn’twork for me lol
if it helps anyone , I had the same issue , and opened up fishingframelocations.lua went to 259 and added this — to the start of the line , it comments it out , apparantly deleting it can cause issues
Hey, can we import data from others?
this isn’t the version for 1.12, looking at later version’s changelog, 0.8.8d is for 1.12, maybe even 0.8.9. Where did you get this version btw?