Elysium project welcomes crestfall!


Elysium project welcomes crestfall!


Project Elysium is pleased to announce some major and exciting changes: The Crestfall project is fully joining the Elysium Project, uniting the World of Warcraft legacy servers community once again!

The official Elysium announcement can be seen Here.
You can read Crestfall’s announcement for further details here.

What does this mean for Elysium?

All of the former Crestfall staff members will be integrated into the project where they will continue their current duties as Developers, Testers, Community Managers, Game Masters and Moderators.

For now, core development will remain seperate, meaning that the Crestfall developers will fully commit their work to the fresh multi-expansion Benediction core, which when completed will benefit the project as a whole. Once it is done, we will launch the world’s first private realms to fully progress through all World of Warcraft expansions (PTE).

On this occasion, we would like to welcome the Crestfall team, as well as all their followers, to the Elysium Project. Together, we will be able to accelerate our quest on providing the best and most authentic World of Warcraft experience!

What does this mean for Crestfall?

Crestfall will run as a separate realm under the Elysium umbrella, meaning that the Crestfall team can run their servers on Elysium hardware, via Elysium‘s bandwidth, paid for by Elysium donations, and administrated by an Elysium Sysadmin.That Sysadmin happens to be Crogge, who as you will know, was a co-owner of the Crestfall project.

This effectively eliminates any of the start-up or maintenance cost concerns that the Crestfall staff had because all the equipment is already paid for, tested, and running. Secondly, passing off ownership and management of the project to the Elysium team eliminates a number of concerns from a legal perspective, particularly for Asura who, although he lives in Europe now, is a US citizen who visits there regularly.

Thirdly, it lets the Crestfall development team focus on what they want to do, which is develop, and hopefully get this monster unleashed in a reasonable timeframe.

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