

Client Version: beta


Auto Repair your equipment when you visit an able vendor.
Able to only repair only equipped items or the whole inventory.
Can ask whether to repair or silently always repair.

/ar mincost <number> — Sets the minimal amount you wish to ever auto repair for. This is compared to the total repair costs.
/ar threshold <number> — Sets the most your willing to pay for without being prompt. If your total repair bill is less then your threshold and more than your min. then you’ll automatically repair everything.
/ar prompts — This toggles showing prompts. If prompts are enabled you will be asked whether to repair your items.
/ar enable — This turns AutoRepair on and off.
/ar verbose — This toggles showing repair costs in the chat area after repair has been done.
/ar skipInv — This toggles skipping inventory check/repair. If enabled, AR will NOT check your inventory.