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Auction DB Classic
Client Version: beta
This Open Source addon (AHDB for short) is mostly to capture the evolution of the WoW classic economy from empty to mature
We have a unique chance to record that history and that’s what this addon attempts to accomplish
As you might know the Blizzard APIs to query the AH from the web (like The Undermine Journal does for instance) won’t exist at launch and for some undetermined time after launch, so let’s together create and maintain that DataBase. (DB uploader in the works)
What does it do?
To my knowledge, AHDB is the fastest full AH scanner available!
If you configured it to do so, each time you open the auction house (if available and unless you hold shift or cancel the scan), AHDB will take a full snapshot of your auction house and record it in your saved variables under the realm, faction and timestamp
You can later query that DB even when not at the AH