WOTLK Rogue Pre-Raid BiS

This is a Rogue Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King expansion. You should be able to begin raiding Naxxramas by acquiring one thing for each equipment slot on this list.

Leather DPS Gear

















First Weapon





WOTLK Priest Pre-Raid BiS

This is a Shadow/Holy/Disc Priest Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King expansion. You should be able to begin raiding Naxxramas by acquiring one thing for each equipment slot on this list.

Caster Gear (Healing and DPS)



















WOTLK Warlock Pre-Raid BiS

This is an Aff/Destro/Demo Warlock Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King expansion. You should be able to begin raiding Naxxramas by acquiring one thing for each equipment slot on this list.

Caster DPS

















WOTLK Mage Pre-Raid BiS

This is an Arcane/Fire/Frost Mage Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King expansion. You should be able to begin raiding Naxxramas by acquiring one thing for each equipment slot on this list.

Caster DPS

















WotLK PVE Protection Warrior Tank Guide (Quick)

Welcome to our PVE Protection Warrior Tank guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Warrior class as Protection Tank. If you follow this build you should have healers begging you to tank for them.


This first build is optimized for 5-man dungeons. It improves your shouts and reduces the cooldown of your defensive abilities.

Protection Build for 5-mans

This second build is for raids. This build improves your threat generation but you lose the shout improvements. Your defensive cooldowns are shorter and so is your shield slam. Shield slam is a very high threat generating ability, so you should use it often.

Protection Build for Raids


Major Glyphs

Minor Glyphs


Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.


You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.

Stat Priority


  1. Defense (540 for raids, best avoidance stat)
  2. Effective Health (more is better)
  3. Dodge (second best avoidance stat)
  4. Parry (not worth getting vs dodge.)
  5. Block (not a pure avoidance stat)

Threat Generation

  • Weapon Speed (2.6, Slow means 5% more threat due to Devestate)
  • Expertise (26)
  • Hit (8% cap)


Don’t forget to face the boss away from the raid. The raid needs to attack the boss from the back and not be hit by their frontal attacks. Dragons are the exception as they need to be hit from the side due to tail swipe.

Always use these:

(Sometimes other warriors will apply them for you.)

In a perfect world you will be able to replace every white attack with a Heroic Strike.

Shockwave can be used in emergency situations, if a lot of monsters aggro or aggro is lost.

WotLK PVP Protection Warrior Guide (Quick)

Welcome to our PVP Protection Warrior guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Warrior class as Protection. If you follow this build you should be king of the arena in no time!


This is the standard Protection Warrior build when you have BiS gear and the required T-10 pieces.

Prot PVP Build


Major Glyphs

Optional replacements for Intervene

Minor Glyphs


Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.


You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.



Stat Priority

  1. Armor Penetration (50% minimum)
  2. Hit Rating (6%)
  3. Health (30k min)
  4. Critical strike (30%)
  5. Resilience (at most 500)

You want to keep your resilience low so you can gem/enchant for more damage. Your armor and defensive CD’s will keep you safe from most threats. Prot warriors use mostly PvE gear for PvP. Most good players use mostly PvE gear and double damage trinkets, so you can start with PvP items and work your way backwards.

You need 4 T-10 items.

  • Helmet and Chest – (Fury Warrior T-10)
  • Shoulders and Gloves – (Prot Warrior T-10)

These set bonuses grant a huge damage boost and are basically required for this build to work.


You don’t really have a rotation, so here is a list of abilities and when to use them.

DPS Skills

  • Shield Slam  is your top priority ability. If you don’t have enough rage, wait for Sword and Board to proc.
  • Revenge does great damage to two targets.
  • Devastate when the first two are on cooldown. Spam this with Heroic Strike for solid damage.
  • Shockwave is an AOE stun for 4 seconds in a cone which also does nice damage.
  • Concussion Blow  is a 5 second single-target stun.
  • Rend  is a Damage over Time that is really useful against Rogues and Druids.
  • Thunderclap is not a top priority but it is useful when everything else is on cooldown.

Defensive Skills

  • Last Stand is a 30% Health increase. Great when you are about to die.
  • Shield Wall is a 60% Damage reduction but cannot be used while disarmed.
  • Shield Block is 10 seconds of 100% blocking physical attacks. This may just sound like a defensive ability but it gives you the ability to spam Revenge. This will result in proc’s of Sword and Board, which give you 10% Shield Slam damage, which is one of your top damaging abilities.
  • Enraged Regeneration  is our only self heal.
  • Intimidating Shout – Fears a target for 8 seconds, he is locked in place and can’t move or use abilities.

Utility Skills

  • Intervene  is a very useful ability when trying to save your partner. When talented it reduces the damage your partner will take by 30%. Best used when he is vulnerable or being focused down.
  • Charge rushes to the target and applies a 2 second stun while also generating rage.
  • Intercept rushes to the target and applies a 3 second stun and does a small amount of damage, doesn’t generate rage.

Here are some partners for 2s and 3s in arena.

  • Retribution Paladin
  • Holy Paladin
  • Arms Warrior
  • Mutilate Rogue
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Elemental Shaman + Holy Paladin
  • Marksmanship Hunter + Holy Paladin
  • Arms Warrior + Holy Paladin

WotLK PVP Arms Warrior Guide (Quick)

Welcome to our PVP Arms Warrior guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Warrior class as Arms. If you follow this build you should be king of the arena in no time!


This is the standard Arms Warrior build. Optionally, Orcs can re-allocate the points you would normally put into Iron Will somewhere else due to their racial. This is primarily a 2v2 / dueling build.

Arms PVP 1

This second build sacrifices survivability for more damage. This build works better in 3v3 arenas and battlegrounds.


Major Glyphs

Minor Glyphs


Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.


You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.



Stat Priority

  1. Resilience (950-1050)
  2. Hit Rating (5%)
  3. Armor Penetration (60%)
  4. Strength


You should be using an AXE! It gives the biggest benefit of all 3 specs. Swords can be used for sudden one-shots or if you get kited often. Maces can be used when you don’t have other options…


  1. Hamstring / Piercing Howl
  2. Rend
  3. Mortal Strike
  4. Overpower
  5. Mortal Strike
  6. Overpower

To fill space when your skills aare on cooldown you can use these filler abilities.

  • Heroic Throw
  • Heroic Strike
  • Thunderclap

Here are some partners for 2s and 3s in arena.

  • Discipline Priest
  • Holy Paladin
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Restoration Druid
  • Restoration Shaman + Holy Paladin
  • Discipline Priest + Holy Paladin
  • Elemental Shaman + Holy Paladin
  • Frost Mage + Holy Paladin
  • Destruction / Affliction Warlock + Holy Paladin
  • Frost / Unholy Death Knight + Holy Paladin

WotLK PVE Arms Warrior DPS Guide (Quick)

Welcome to our PVE Arms Warrior guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Warrior class as Arms. If you follow this build you should be at the top of the DPS chart in no time!


This first build is for newer players with low gear scores. It assumes you don’t have any of yours stats capped. This build focuses on rage generation with Unbridled Wrath and Anger Management. It also includes Weapon Mastery to make up for not being hit or expertise capped. Slam gets excluded from our rotation making us more mobile but capable of less damage.

Arms Build (Low Gear req)

This build does the most single target DPS. It also assumes you have hit your stat caps and have close to BiS gear.

Arms High DPS Build


Major Glyphs

Minor Glyphs


Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.


You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.

Stat Priority

  1. Hit Rating (8%)
  2. Expertise (18+)
  3. Armor Penetration (1400 max)
  4. Critical strike
  5. Strength / AP
  6. Critical strike

You need 8% hit rating to be melee hit capped.

Expertise cap is 26, so if you have no expertise, it’s a very valuable stat. Some warriors don’t cap expertise to increase the number of Overpower procs. There is a point where having your main attacks dodged outweighs Overpower procs, so a safe bet is to stay above 18.

After you are hit capped and have the expertise you were aiming for, Armor penetration should be your next stat. You want to eventually reach 100% without a Proc but at first aim to get it to 100% while your trinket procs are up. Also keep in mind that battle stance increases your ArP by 10% and mace spec gives another 15%.

Here are a list of ArP caps:

  • 1400 rating without Battle stance & Mace Spec (Not relevant to Arms since you’ll spend most of your time in Battle Stance)
  • 1260 with Battle Stance
  • 1050 with Battle Stance + Mace spec
  • 1177 with 2p t9
  • 967 with 2p t9 + Mace Spec

Strength is always a nice DPS increase. Once you have your Armour pen sorted, you can gem for strength or strength + Crit (with a socket bonus of +6 str or more).


Arms doesn’t really follow a rotation, you use abilities when proc’s happen.

Priority List

  1. Execute 
  2. Overpower
  3. Mortal Strike or Heroic Strike

WotLK PVE Fury Warrior DPS Guide (Quick)

Welcome to our PVE Fury Warrior guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Warrior class as Fury. If you follow this build you should be at the top of the DPS chart in no time!


There are two viable specs for a fury warrior and both specs are 18/53/0. One has enrage and the other doesn’t.

Fury Cleave Build

This second build has less burst on the opening but more overall damage by 2% to 3% percent.

Enrage build Fury


Major Glyphs

Minor Glyphs


Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.

Gem strength until you hit around 50% to 60% passive armor penetration. once you get to that point, gem the rest as armor penetration until you get to 1400 arp (100%).

At the point of arp cap, start gemming for strength or strength/crit or strength/hit.


You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.

Stat Priority

  1. Hit Rating (5%)
  2. Expertise (26)
  3. Armor Penetration (1400 max)
  4. Strength
  5. Critical strike
  6. Haste

Expertise cap is 26 and Armor Penetration cap is 1400 you should not go over these.

Never gem haste.


Fury has a simple rotation:

The key to maximizing your DPS is not interrupting you main combo with global cooldowns from other abilities.


/equipslot 16 Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand (your mainhand)
/equipslot 17 Cryptmaker (your offhand)

Weapon Macro

/equip Bloodvenom Blade (your mainhand here)
/equip Icecrown Glacial Wall ( your shield here)
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Shield Wall
/cast Battle Stance

Shield Wall Macro

/cast Heroic Strike(Rank 13)
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cancelaura Divine Intervention


/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Intervene
/cast Berserker Stance

Intervene Macro

#showtooltip Rend(Rank 10)
/cast Battle Stance
/cast Rend(Rank 10)
/cast Berserker Stance

Rend Macro

BIS Gear List


PVE WotLK Enhancement Shaman DPS Guide (Short)

Welcome to our PVE Enhancement Shaman guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Shaman class as Enhancement. If you follow this build you should be at the top of the DPS chart in no time!


For a fresh 80 this build works a lot better. It has cheap shocks and you get mana regen from Stormstrike.

Enhancement build (Low Gear)

This build is for people with almost BiS gear. This build has less Mana regeneration, which is part of why you need the better gear. Your totems are also new better than a Death Knight’s Horn of winter at the cost of a little intellect.

Enhancement build (BiS Gear)

You can also optionally change Ancestral Knowledge to Enhancing Totems.


Major Glyphs

You could replace Windfury Weapon with one of these:

Minor Glyphs


Gems can change based on your build, equipment and caps. You may need to adjust your gems to account for your gear.


You may need to adjust your enchants based on your gear but these are the standard enchants.

Stat Priority

  1. Hit Rating (8% soft cap) (17% desired) (27% hard cap)
  2. Expertise (26)
  3. Attack Power / Haste
  4. Critical strike
  5. Armor Penetration
  6. Agility

Hit rating soft cap is 8% and should be your first priority. This means your special abilities will not miss. Dual wielding has a hit cap of 27% but it’s not reasonable to actually hit the hard cap. You would give up too many useful stats to hit 27%.

Due to the build relying on Maelstrom Weapon and Lightning Bolt you need 17% spell hit.

Hast and attack power give about the same dps boost so it’s more or less a personal choice.


You should be dual wielding, it’s much higher DPS.

Windfury Weapon should be on your main-hand and Flametongue Weapon on your off-hand.

Enhance has a very complicated rotation but after a while you get used to it.

Both Feral Spirit and Shamanistic Rage should be used every time they are off cooldown.