Doom Cooldown Pulse

Downloads: 4298

Category: PvP

Doom Cooldown Pulse

Client Version: 4.3.4


Ever wanted to know when a certain ability will come off cooldown, but you’re too caught up in a fight to notice? Doom_CooldownPulse is designed to fix that problem! It flashes the icon of the ability in the middle of your screen whenever it becomes usable again.

Great! Now.. how do I set it up?
Doom_CooldownPulse requires no initial setup; just install and you’re good to go! However, the options frame (which is accessable by typing /dcp) allows very easy customization. You can change all of the following:

  • Icon size
  • Icon position (press the unlock button)
  • Fade in time
  • Fade out time
  • Max opacity (transparency)
  • Max opacity hold time
  • Animation scaling (how big/small it gets when it flashes)
  • Cooldowns to ignore
  • Overlay color for pet cooldown pulses

It is intended to be very easy to customize, and your changes take effect immediately. You can see how your settings will look by pressing the “Test” button, or reset them to the default settings by pressing the “Defaults” button.