Category: Action Bars
Client Version: 4.3.4
- Dominos is an action bar addon intended to do the following:
- Reuse as much standard blizzard action button code as possible.
- Contain a relatively minimal feature set
- Be easy to use
- Be stable
It includes the following features:
- 10 action bars, pet, class, menu, and bag bars. Each one has customizable settings for padding, spacing, columns, scale, and opacity.
- Customizable paging. You can switch pages on: action bar pages, modifier keys, forms, and targeting.
- Customizable show states. You can tell your bar under which macro options to show.
- Fading bars. You can set your bars to fade out to a certain opacity when not moused over.
- The ability to customize showing empty buttons or not
- Full button facade support
- Keybound support
- Sticky frames
- The ability to move buttons in combat
- A movable casting bar (optional)
- A movable xp/reputation bar (optional)
- Configurable right click targeting
- Configurable self cast key settings
Here’s how you use it:
- To see the current list of slash commands, type /dom ? or /dominos ?
- To open up the options menu, either go into interface options, or type /dom
- To move bars around, either go into the options menu and press the “Enter Config Mode” button, or type /dom lock
- To bind keys, enter binding mode via /kb or /keybound, or press the “Enter Binding Mode” button in the options menu.