Category: Class
Drood Focus
Client Version: 4.3.4
Buffs / Debuffs tracker, energy monitor, combo points, and more… for druid feral/guardian
The addon includes the following (all are individually usable and configurable)
- A power bar: Energy, rage,mana, runique power or shi
- Player’s healthbar
- Target’s healthbar with Time-to-die option
- Player’s manabar
- Savage defense bar: status of charges (numbers and timer)
- Threatbar: Threat % on the target
- A combo bar: Number of combo points for the cat/rogue, lacerate stacks for the bear, runes for DK and holy power for paladins.
- Visual effects : Visual effects for proc (like Omen of Clarity). And your critical hits can also leave some traces of blood…
- Warning System: If a spell fails because you’re too far or not behind your target, an icon will alert you (a cross if you’re too far, a double arrow if you are in front of the target). Also pulse when you gain buff or/and debuff with the texture of debuff and his name.
- Cooldown: CD Timeleft is visible on bars and icons for each spell. And popup the icon of the ability whenever it becomes usable again.
- Buff / Debuff : For each buff / debuff scanned , small icon (and / or status bar) show the remaining time on the debuff, the number of stack, the cooldown, timeleft for next tick for Dot, etc… Buffs/Debuffs are filtered to manage your debuffs and / or all sources. All talents and glyphs are handled.
- Informations: Displaying real-time stats (Power attack, crit, etc…
- Cast Bar : Show spell casting/channeling by your actual target.
Commands line:
/droodfocus <arg>
Args :
- ‘options‘ to open configuration panel
- ‘configmode to switch configuration mode
- ‘reset‘ to reset configuration to default
- ‘buff‘ or ‘debuff‘ to see a list of actuals buff/debuff with spellID in chat