Category: Buffs & Debuffs
Client Version: 4.3.4
Quartz is a modular approach to a casting bar addon. An overview of (hopefully most of) the modules:
- Player: The core of Quartz is lightweight implementation of a standard casting bar, with configurable size, text and icon positioning, and colors.
- Target/Focus: Implementation of target and focus casting bars in similar fashion to the player cast bar.
- Buffs: Display of target and focus buffs and debuffs as duration bars using the new API
- Flight: Hooks into FlightMap or InFlight to display the current flight progg. This helps in canceling casts when they will not actually be interrupted, especially for users with consistently high pings.
- Mirror: Shows the ‘basic’ timers such as breath and feign death, as well as some ‘odd’ ones such as party invite time, resurrect timeout, and arena game start, and a framework for injecting custom timers into the bars.
- Range: Recolors the casting bar when your cast target moves out of range mid-cast. *Swing Displays a swing timer for your melee weapon as well as hunter autoshot.
- Timer: Allows for creating custom timers displayed on the mirror bars.
- Tradeskill Merge: Merges multiple casts of the same tradeskill item into one big cast bar. Use /quartz to bring up the configuration menu.